Weight Loss Management: 5 Hormones That Affect Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Hormones play a vital role in our body. As chemical messengers, they help facilitate most bodily processes, including metabolism.

Now, if you are on a weight loss management regimen, it is essential to know which hormones affect weight loss and to keep them at optimal levels. Otherwise, you will most likely have a hormonal imbalance that might affect your weight loss journey. These pieces of knowledge can help make your journey toward your ideal weight a lot easier.

1. Estrogen

Basically, this hormone is responsible for fat storage, so a condition of estrogen dominance could lead to weight gain. Estrogen also affects your appetite, cravings, and mood.

To avoid weight gain from having excessive amounts of estrogen in the body, observe a balanced diet and regular exercise.

How to Achieve Proper Estrogen Levels:

  • Eat more fiber-rich foods, such as beans and legumes
  • Cut down on processed and packaged foods that contain added sugar
  • Limit your caffeine intake
  • Include weight training in your exercise routine

2. Leptin

When you have eaten enough, your body tells you that it’s time to stop through the hormone leptin. This hormone does its work by telling the hypothalamus that you are satisfied.

However, people who are overweight are prone to leptin resistance. Nonetheless, you can deal with this condition with discipline and some help from a weight loss management specialist.

How to Achieve Proper Leptin Levels:

  • Don’t skip meals, and stick to a healthy eating plan that involves eating at regular intervals
  • Add more fiber and protein to your diet
  • Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Get enough sleep every night, as sleep deprivation increases the risk of weight gain

3. Insulin

Most weight loss management conversations involve insulin since they are closely linked. This hormone works by transporting sugar from your blood to the cells, preventing weight gain and other weight-related issues.

How to Achieve Proper Insulin Levels:

  • Cut down on added sugars in your diet
  • Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods, such as beans, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Exercise regularly
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day 

4. Cortisol

When you are stressed out, your adrenal glands will release this hormone. That is why you would often hear people associating stress with weight gain. But how is this so? When released, cortisol signals the body to store fat in its various parts.

How to Achieve Proper Cortisol Levels:

  • Practice stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation
  • Get enough sleep every night
  • Eat plenty of fiber and protein to regulate blood sugar levels
  • Avoid processed and packaged foods that contain added sugars

5. Ghrelin

This is the polar opposite of leptin, in a sense. Ghrelin is responsible for stimulating hunger, which is why most weight loss management specialists would always suggest you keep an eye on this hormone.

How to Achieve Proper Ghrelin Levels:

  • Eat healthy snacks between meals
  • Eat more fiber and protein-rich foods
  • Limit your alcohol intake
  • Avoid sugary foods

By understanding more about how these hormones affect weight loss management, you can take better control over it and finally reach your goals! This is just one step towards a healthier you, so be sure to stay committed and determined.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey Today!

Weight loss management can be challenging, especially if you don’t have someone who can properly guide and motivate you throughout your journey. If you want to ensure you get the results that you want, then do not hesitate to contact us at Ultra Body. We are more than happy to set realistic goals for you and provide the support you need to make weight loss a reality and so you can maintain such weight loss.

We look forward to hearing from you. Book an appointment with us now, and let’s see how we can transform your life!

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