What is Estrogen Dominance, and What Does it Do to Your Body?

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A crucial hormone that controls your reproductive system is estrogen. It is an essential hormone for other bodily systems and organs as well. Throughout your life, your estrogen levels fluctuate, frequently in time with other hormones that govern significant bodily functions. An increase in estrogen accelerates your sexual development during puberty and assists progesterone in preparing your body for pregnancy.

Problems might result from excessive estrogen levels or hormone imbalances. High estrogen levels can interfere with the reproductive process, produce unpleasant symptoms, and raise your chance of developing certain diseases.

What is Estrogen Dominance?

To keep the lining of your uterus from becoming overly thick, estrogen and progesterone complement one another nicely. Unopposed estrogen results from some people’s systems producing insufficient progesterone. In medical literature, unopposed estrogen is referred to as estrogen dominance. Without the balancing effect of progesterone, estrogen can work excessively in your body and result in cell overgrowth, such as tumors in the uterine lining.

How does diet affect estrogen levels?

People with estrogen dominance have elevated levels of the sex hormone estrogen. Certain breast cancers, ovarian cancers, and polycystic ovary syndrome have all been connected to this illness. According to research, some dietary patterns are linked to greater body estrogen levels, while other nutritional practices and particular foods may assist in lower estrogen levels.

According to studies, several dietary habits may increase the risk of medical disorders linked to estrogen dominance in the body. For instance, numerous studies have discovered a constant correlation between greater estrogen levels and Western-style eating patterns, which include high consumption of red meat, processed foods, desserts, dairy, and refined carbohydrates.

Additionally, these eating habits have been tied to higher chances of breast cancer and obesity.

What signs indicate a high estrogen level?

These signs include:

● Irregular cycles (unpredictable timing, light or heavy bleeding).
● Dense breast tissue

What results in elevated estrogen levels?

Your elevated estrogen levels could be brought on by:

● Your body produces these high levels of estrogen due to no proper balance in hormones
● The medication you’re taking contains an excessive amount of estrogen.
● Certain types of diets or specific food, like chickpeas and chocolate, can result in a high-level intake of estrogen.

What diseases are linked to high estrogen levels?

Numerous illnesses are caused due to improper oversight to balance hormones level. These problems aren’t necessarily brought on by estrogen. Instead, estrogen may make an existing illness or symptom worse, such as:

● Ovarian cancer.
● Breast cancer.
● Endometriosis.
● Insulin resistance
● Ovarian polycystic syndrome (PCOS)
● Ovarian cancer (endometrial cancer).
● Adrenal glands and ovaries tumors.

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