Hormonal Imbalance: Signs and Symptoms That You Need to Watch Out For

Menstruation and Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common health issues among women. In fact, according to statistics of 2018, 80% of the female population suffer from it, with 70% unaware that they are already suffering from hormonal imbalance until the problem gets worse and it starts to affect their quality of life.

This is why it’s imperative to know these common signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance so that you can seek consultation right away:

✓ Persistent weight gain

One of the most common signs of hormonal imbalance is persistent weight gain. Some women can work out consistently and follow a strict diet, yet they will still struggle to lose weight. If you’ve experienced this, it could be because you’re suffering from hormonal imbalance related to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

✓ Acne

Another commonly seen sign of hormonal imbalance is acne, which is caused by your skin’s overproduction of oil clogging your pores and resulting in inflammation due to bacterial infection. While acne is common among teenagers, if you experience it consistently, especially when you’re near your period, and it doesn’t go away with medication, you might need to consult your doctor for hormonal imbalance.

✓ Mood swings

Do you feel depressed for no reason at all? Or do you notice a sudden change of mood? Mood swings are commonly experienced by women suffering from hormonal imbalance, and it’s mainly caused by fluctuations in estrogen levels. This is also the same reason women suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) or menopause experience mood swings.

✓ Painful periods

Even though it’s common for women to experience some cramping during their period, some go through so much pain whenever they have their menstruation. This is due to hormonal imbalance that may also cause constipation or diarrhea, intense abdominal and lower back pain, and even painful intercourse.

✓ Irregular periods

Another telltale sign of hormonal imbalance is experiencing irregular menstruation. Since different hormones play a role in the menstrual cycle, any imbalance will cause irregular periods, especially for women suffering from PCOS and amenorrhea. A typical menstrual cycle will range between 21 and 35 days.

Still, women who suffer from hormonal imbalance usually have a shorter or longer cycle, and they may also encounter menstrual cycles that deviate from their regular duration. Some others don’t even experience any menstruation at all for months, and when they do, they experience a lot of pain.

Finally, there’s infertility, which affects a lot of women who are suffering from hormonal imbalance. When they begin thinking about having a child, they realize how hard it is for them to conceive, and that’s when they discover that they have a problem with their hormones.

While some women naturally conceive harder than others, trying to get pregnant for six months without any results could mean that you are suffering from hormonal imbalance. This is why you need to get yourself checked by a doctor to address the health issue before you can move on to getting pregnant.

Ultra Body is one of those clinics that takes a unique approach in helping patients suffering from hormonal imbalance, so get in touch with the team to learn more about our program!

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